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Our Foundation

Mission, Vision, Values & Principles


A world where charities thrive and fulfil their missions because they no longer lack the skills, tools and infrastructure to reach their goals.


Be the obvious choice for empowering world-changers through creativity, technology and strategy.


Our DEV. We are owners.

We're not just employees, we're owners. That affects the way we view every decision at DEV and interaction with our partners. We think about the impact to DEV at each step we take.

Money is not our goal.

We use money as a tool to help us with our mission, it's not the primary reason that we're here. We also don't want to make pay a problem, or a topic that gets in the way.

Sonder & Authentic empathy.

Only through understanding that everyone has something going on can we fully get the most out of our partnership and team. We run toward doing the emotional labour first.

It's okay to not be okay.

We're a team of people not a team of roles or robots. There's no shame in asking for what you need or sharing what you're experiencing, and we have people and spaces that can help.

Work as a team.

We all have strengths, and making sure we collaborate to get the best outcomes from combining those strengths is smarter than trying to go it alone.

Fail fast, start faster.

We know no-one is perfect, we have learned it is better to send a quick draft, get feedback and iterate than it is to spend longer trying for perfect first version.

Challenge your assumptions.

We question our own beliefs and assumptions to uncover hidden biases and explore new perspectives. This helps us make better decisions and innovate more effectively.

Listen more than you speak.

True listening demonstrates respect, builds trust, fosters empathy, and leads to deeper mutual understanding. Well-disciplined conversationalists co-operate better.

Celebrate successes.

Celebration is an event, not a destination. It is the real secret to unlocking further achievement. We don't just celebrate when we win, we see celebration as something that helps us win.

Help everyone move forward, even if it means moving on.

We know that as time and the world around us changes, so will the people at DEV. We seek to make that a sign of success and not failure.


1. We’re playing an infinite game.

Our culture fosters a dynamic, purpose-driven environment, our emphasis is on long-term impact over the short term. It encourages learning, collaboration, and resilience.

2. We are a not-for-profit.

We put mission-driven goals and societal impact over financial gain, focusing on serving the community sustainably over generating profits for shareholders.

3. We work to create calm.

We want a work environment that values focus, balance, and sustainable productivity, avoiding the chaos and stress in other cultures. We work to reduce surprises.

4. We benefit the community.

We work for the sustainable development of the third sector. We do this through our policies, prioritising social responsibility, environmental care and sector engagement.

5. We offer economic participation.

We control the capital of our co-op, ensuring that profits benefit the sector or are reinvested for the collective good. We have shared ownership and empowerment.

6. We cooperate with other coops.

Cooperatives strengthen the co-op movement by working together through local, national, regional, structures, with a heart for mutual support and solidarity over competition.

7. We have open membership.

Employees and partners at DEV have an open & optional choice if they want to participate in the responsibilities of being owners at a coop, without discrimination around who can join.

8. We practice democratic control.

We are a democratic organisation controlled by our members and elected representatives who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions.

9. Focus on education, training, and information.

We provide education and training to our members and employees so they can be effective in our cooperative's development.

10. Maintain autonomy and independence.

We are an autonomous organisation. Our members have voting rights, ensuring independence from external influence.