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Ongoing support

After your project launches, there are lots of different ways we can support you to keep it online, secure, and improving over time.


Hosting is the service that allows your site to be made available on the internet. We use Amazon Web Services, a high availability set up to help ensure your site remains online. These are the different levels of hosting we offer:

Standard hosting

With this, we will keep your site live, keep the server updated with necessary security upgrades, and if there are any bugs with your project, we will deal with them as they come up at no extra charge for up to 12 months from sign off. From £50/month + VAT (can be more for projects with particularly complex data requirements)

Hosting and Service Level Agreement

Our premium hosting offering, which offers you guaranteed response times from the DEV team and a guaranteed uptime of 99.5%. A secure environment will be dedicated to hosting your site. Response times and SLA specific details available on request. £500/month + VAT

Ongoing development

The needs of projects and software evolve over time. In order to ensure you have the capacity you need to add in new features, make changes, and alter your project in line with testing there are three main ways we can arrange future work.


These are blocks of work planned in advance. Typically groups will schedule sprints at regular intervals and in between sprints work to develop a backlog of tasks they would like to cover off in that time. This is a great way to complete a large amount of work in a small window of time and take advantage of the efficiencies that come with delivering multiple features together.


Retainers allow for a smaller number of days to be schedule on an ongoing basis. This guarantees you access to a set amount of development time at a regular interval.

Ad hoc

This simply means that we discuss new work as and when you need it delivered. It gives you the most flexibility in that you have no commitments to any future work but this is also the greatest challenge. New work is then scheduled at the next available date and this can often be months in advance, which is the risk of ad hoc scheduling.


Bugs are an inevitable part of software development. Bugs are caused by anything from human error to browser upgrades. DEV is responsible for fixing any bugs without charge for a period of 12 months after the web project is signed off and launched. You can flag bugs via email or Favro with your project manager.

  1. What is the URL of the page you’re having problems with?
  2. What should it do?
  3. What is it in fact doing which is the problem?
  4. Which browser and which device are you using? A perfect report might look like ‘I’m using Chrome Version 67.0.3396.99 on an iPhone X 11.4.1’
  5. What are you seeing? The more visual the better. Screenshots or short videos are ideal and you can use either Awesome Screenshot or Kap to easily collect these.
  6. How urgent is the problem? When and why do you need this problem fixed? If you are losing thousands in donations because your card processing isn’t working this would be an urgent fix but if there’s a problem with an image on an old page that is getting no traffic this is of course less urgent.

Read our Medium piece about bugs and how to report them: https://medium.com/@devsociety_/how-to-report-a-bug-to-developers-bb8a34764ed3