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Grants & funds for charity & NGO digital work

  • Do you work for a charity or NGO?
  • Could your organisation have a bigger impact by doing better digital work?
  • Are you being held back from doing better digital work because of budget?
  • Do you have the sneaking suspicion that there are groups out there who are looking to fund great work like yours?
  • Would you love to get that funding but don’t even have the time or support to start finding out where it is?

...then you’ve come to the right place.

Usually, you get what you pay for and for most charities and NGOs, this means putting scarce resources into digital work. So what are you going to do if you’ve got a digital project you want to get off the ground but no budget? You need to find support. We’ve put together a quick breakdown of the best support, funds and grants on our radar. We’ll keep this updated, so keep checking back here.

Can't see anything that’s the right fit for you? Get in touch and we’ll try to help you find a fund that fits. Spotted a fund that's missing? Please get in touch or tweet us and we’ll add it in.

Now, without further delay, dive in and start looking for the perfect fund to make your idea a reality.

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