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Emergency contact

We understand that from time to time when our Studio is closed, you may have emergency issues you need our support with. Please follow the steps below and we'll help you deal with whatever is going wrong.

Step 1: Triage

The first thing to do is work out exactly what the problem is. To check if there are any system errors please visit our status page, and the status page of our suppliers to see if there are any issues at an infrastructure level:

In the very rare situation that there is an infrastructure problem, we will already have received an alert and will be working to get this back online. If there are no errors listed, please check out this quick guide about how to report bugs so you can get us all the detail we need and we can get this issue looked into as soon as possible.

Step 2: Report

Once you have collected the necessary information on the issue, please contact us on our emergency out of hours contact line: 033 344 7800
If for any reason there is no answer, please leave a message and call back if you have not had a reply within 2 hours.

This line is managed weekdays (including public holidays), 9AM - 5PM .